The project was born from the leading commercialization partner SIM’s business strategy and mission.
1. Turn-key electronics and embedded software design services with the main focus on embedded computers and communications equipment
2. Cybersecurity for embedded systems
3. Cost effective embedded development services
4. Innovative technology platform for infotainment automotive applications.
Abinsula is constantly looking for new technologies in order to upgrade competences to meet forthcoming requirements. Abinsula role in TURNTABLE is to coordinate the project in a business-oriented fashion, ensuring delivery of production grade SW and HW and provide HW and SW design services and technologies for the components implemented in the platform.

University of Pannonia
The training of valuable engineering specialists for industry and economy can only be carried out by an educational institution with internationally recognized cutting-edge R&D activities. It is important for the fields of education, research and innovation to be well-balanced in the operation of the institution, and to entirely exploit the resources of one another. The University of Pannonia is built on these principles. The educational program of the university is tailored to international front-ranking quality, the results of its research activity are published in prestigious international journals, and the innovation programs of the institution support the development of competitive industrial products. Government support received for training makes up one third, while R&D projects provide two thirds of the university budget. The Centre for Medical Informatics Research & Development (CMIRD) takes a significant share in running R&D project at UP. The CMIRD operates in a matrix-like structure which means that for every project, the necessary human and infrastructural resources are provided and shared by the Departments of the Faculty of Information Technology. The currently running CMIRD project which is most related to the scope of the proposal is the Lifestyle analysis and assessment based on lifestyle logs project, which is part of the consortium project: „Telemedicine-focused research activities in the field of Mathematics, Informatics and Medical Sciences”. Research consortium: University of Szeged (coordinator), Szeged, University of Pannonia, Veszprém, Biological Research Centre, Szeged. and the past project High-Performance Computer-Based Dietary Menu Planning ( OMFB-00234/2010) Work package leader for the Hungarian partner (2010-2012).
The DIEE-Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering of the University of Cagliari (UniCA), will be directly involved in this project. It collects all the research and teaching activities of the University in the field of Information and Communication Technologies. DIEE includes over 120 researchers and has experience in conducting fundamental and applied research on assistive ICT technologies for disabled and elderly people and sensor solutions for health status monitoring. Within the AAL project HEREiAM (, DIEE has been involved in the design, development and evaluation of a powerful tool able to assist older people in their daily life activities, by delivering a combination of health, social, security and comfort services through the TV set. DIEE researchers organized and completed a pilot study with 20 elderly users and 26 informal caregivers in Italy, to evaluate the feasibility of the proposed tool in realistic settings. Their expertise matches perfectly with the main tasks that will be performed in this project.

A limited company in Hungary, established in 2006, focuses on research and development IT work and consultancy, has been operating for more than 10 years now. Owned by Balázs GAÁL, PhD in Information Technology, the company has been and continues to be involved in various pioneer engineering and software development projects, including: Robot AI, control UI and simulation design for Aeolus Robotics Inc. San Francisco,
Systems engineering and design for mobile R&D project for Garzon Butor zRt. (GINOP-2.1.1-15-2016-00791), system integration, and expert system implementation for an intelligent office desk for workplace stress detection and health promotion, Web user-interface and backend logic design and development for Nestlé Purina, Buk, Hungary for various industrial monitoring, statistical, and e-learning applications, Software and hardware development for industrial inkjet printing applications, OEMs include RTI (Canada), Printing Innovation (Germany), OWN-X (Switzerland), Rigoli (Italy), Xitron (USA), Lavinia lifestyle counseling mobile application user interface and backend development, and web portal development, web system hosting and maintenance, Menugene lifestyle and nutrition counseling expert system design and integration work, project leadership (INNO-6-2007-0021 OMFB-01013/2007), XBody user interface and operating system customization development (as subcontractor for Door2World Kft.), System integration work, webservice middleware design and development for Ferencvarosi Torna Club (as subcontractor for ExcelSoft Bt.). The company employs a multitude of high quality and agile IT experts as contractors, making it able to have the flexibility of hiring the best for the needs of any given project.
Simbioza Genesis, social enterprise, was founded in May 2014. It was a consequence of an organic growth from a project ‘Simbioz@ e-literate Slovenia’, which started in 2011. Our principle activities are based on empowering people with digital literacy through intergenerational cooperation. We combine the energy of the youth with the experiences of the seniors to prepare both target groups for a digital future. Our activities include workshops with a special methodology and trainings across whole Slovenia by providing unique mutual learning opportunities. After 7 years of overall presence, Simbioza connected over 100,000 participants across Slovenia. A Slovenian initiative on raising e-literacy level of elder population by young volunteers, promotes social inclusion, active participation and inclusive digital society. Within our organization, we developed several initiatives on the topic of digital society that include all stakeholders. Our pioneering model of seniors’ integration into digital society is tested and proven to work, where we find it applicable also on other topics that address challenges of ageing society. Simbioza received many awards and recognitions for its work, among most notable: European Citizen Award by the European Parliament in 2012, Nomination of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for United Nations Population Award 2014, State Award of the Republic of Slovenia for Voluntarism 2014, conferred by the President of the Republic of Slovenia Mr. Borut Pahor, and Best of Best Award 2014 by American Chamber of Commerce in Slovenia. Within last year, Simbioza opened first ever innovation hub of technology Simbioza BTC City Lab, intended for people aged over 50 to bring technology and its solutions closer to 50+ and seniors, where they can learn digital skills to improve employment opportunities or just to enable access to information society and digital participation.

Instituto Pedro Nunes is a non-profit private organization, which aims to promote innovation and the transfer of technology, establishing the interface between the scientific and technological environment and the industry. IPN is co-founder of the Ageing@Coimbra reference site of the EIP on AHA and is associated partner of EIT Health. IPN owns six technological development laboratories, one business and ideas Incubator, one business Accelerator. IPN Laboratory for Automation and Systems (IPNlas) has expertise on the development of solutions for the domains of Telemedicine, Hospital2Home, Home-Care and Care-Home. IPNlas accumulates a solid track record in European and National projects that target the development of innovative solutions for Medical Devices & Unobtrusive Monitoring, Human Activity Recognition and Robotics. IPNlas key activities include electronic and system design and implementation (e.g. smart sensing, robotics, embedded systems), and Technology Transfer that is helping companies to become competitive by bringing highly innovative solutions into the market.
NOS Inovação
NOS Inovação, a branch of NOS Comunicações, is dedicated since 2011 to the development of software solutions. NOS Comunicações was born from the merger of two of the largest communication companies in Portugal. ZON and Optimus. Thus, the company is even more solid, responsible and future-oriented, committed to excellence and customer satisfaction. Ensuring that the customers have the fastest, safest and innovative service in the market, NOS aggregated a robust and integrated structure for all fixed and mobile communications, through the most advanced networks in Portugal. This has further increased confidence in the company propelling NOS to the leading pay-TV, telecom company with the latest generation of broadband and also the distribution and exhibition of movies. NOS has more than 4 million mobile customers, over 1.5 million television customers, 1.5 million landline customers and 1.1 million broadband Internet customers. In addition, the company is the main national stock market index (PSI-20), with a higher capitalization of EUR 3.8 million.

A1 Slovenia (formerly Si.mobil) has been the first private mobile operator in Slovenia, introducing its services to users in March 1999. With its entry into the market, competition in the Slovenian telecommunications market began to develop. In the Slovenian market, the company has a market share of around 30%.
The company has 558 employees and 714,000 users, of which in the segment 65+ are around 135,000 users. For its successful business, A1 received several awards and certificates, to list some: Family Friendly Company, a Respectable Employer, Best employer in the category of large companies, the internationally recognized Superbrands Award.
A1 Slovenia is 100% owned by Telekom Austria Group, an international telecommunications group, which has about 23 million users of fixed and mobile telephony. The Telekom Austria Group employs more than 18,000 people and generated total revenues of EUR 4.21 billion in 2016, in Slovenia 204.6 million.
EuroFIR AISBL is a non-profit-distributing international member-based organisation based in Belgium. Its purpose is to develop, harmonise and deliver food composition data, and supporting information, to underpin food and public health research throughout Europe. EuroFIR AISBL also promotes international cooperation and harmonisation of standards to improve data quality, storage and access. EuroFIR AISBL draws together the best available food information from EU28 compiler organisations and, globally, from US, Australia/NZ, Canada and Japan. Members include individuals and organisations working in dietetics, food manufacturing and retail, software development, public sector funding, regulation and policy-making as well as academia, and have access not only to food information but also online tools, best practice, continuing professional development, networking, and pre-competitive research and development or ICT projects in the food and health fields.

Institut Jozef Stefan (JSI), is the leading Slovenian scientific research institute, covering a broad spectrum of basic and applied research. Staff of more than 930 specializes in natural sciences, life sciences, and engineering. The Institute accumulates and disseminates knowledge through the pursuit of research, development, and education at the highest international level of excellence. The Computer Systems department, which will be involved in this project, is concerned primarily with the development of advanced computing structures and efficient algorithms for massive-data processing, and systems for effective human-computer interaction. Within this broad area, we are concentrating on self-reparable and self-organizing systems, modeling and optimizing of complex, dynamic and nondeterministic systems. Our research results are implemented within applications for production, transport, energy, environmental sustainability, bioinformatics, health, and medicine. JSI is currently involved (as technology partner and coordinator) in relevant projects PDManager and SaaM – Supporting active aging through multimodal coaching. The project is developing an mHealth platform for Parkinson’s disease management with a similar approach and aims as the proposed system (serious games, data collection and analysis, smart sensors, nutrition database, accessible interfaces design, usability testing).
The software company Proventus (PRO), računalniške storitve, d.o.o., was established in May 2015. The main activity of the company is the gardening application Tomappo. The goals of the company are: 1) to make Tomappo the first thought of every gardener when it comes to mobile applications for gardening (like Strava or Runkeeper for running) which will enable them 2) to achieve leading position in the field of modern digital marketing methods for gardening related goods and services (in the EU and worldwide). The long-term vision of the company is to spread beyond gardening and become a leading provider of context-aware marketing solutions.